ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Make you Wiser and Better Every Day

Petition 3.34 | ESV

We must pray for grace to make us wiser and better every day than another.

Lord, give me to grow with a growth that is from God; Colossians 2:19(ESV) to grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; 2 Peter 3:18(ESV) to hold to my way; and, having clean hands, to grow stronger and stronger. Job 17:9(ESV)

Let my path be as the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. Proverbs 4:18(ESV)

I have not yet obtained, nor am I already perfect; Lord, grant that therefore, forgetting what lies behind, I may strain forward to what lies ahead, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14(ESV)

Be like the dew to me, that I may blossom like the lily and take root like the trees of Lebanon; that my shoots may spread out and my beauty may be like the olive. And let the sun of righteousness rise upon me with healing in its wings, that I may go out leaping like a calf from the stall. Malachi 4:2(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Make you Wiser and Better Every Day

Petition 3.34 | KJV

I must pray for grace to make me wiser and better every day than another.

Lord, give me to increase with the increases of God; Colossians 2:19(KJV) to grow in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; 2 Peter 3:18(KJV) to hold on my way; and, having clean hands, to grow stronger and stronger. Job 17:9(KJV)

Let my path be as the shining light, which shines more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18(KJV)

I have not yet attained, nor am I already perfect; Lord, grant that therefore, forgetting the things that are behind, I may reach forth to those things that are before, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14(KJV)

Be thou as the dew unto me, that I may grow as the lily and cast forth my roots as Lebanon; that my branches may spread and my beauty be as the olive-tree. Hosea 14:5-6(KJV) And let the Sun of righteousness arise upon me with healing under his wings, that I may go forth and grow up as a calf of the stall. Malachi 4:2(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Pray for Grace to Make you Wiser and Better Every Day

Petition 3.34 | NASB

I must pray for grace to make me wiser and better every day than another.

Lord, give me to grow with a growth which is from God; Colossians 2:19(NASB) to grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; 2 Peter 3:18(NASB) to hold to my way; and, having clean hands, to grow stronger and stronger. Job 17:9(NASB)

Let my path be like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day. Proverbs 4:18(NASB)

I have not yet obtained, nor have I already become perfect; Lord, grant that therefore, forgetting what lies behind, I may reach forward to what lies ahead, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14(NASB)

Be like the dew to me, that I may blossom like the lily and take root like a cedar of Lebanon; that my shoots may sprout, and my beauty may be like the olive tree. Hosea 14:5-6(NASB) And let the sun of righteousness rise upon me with healing in its wings, that I may go forth and skip about like a calf from the stall. Malachi 4:2(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Pray for Grace to Make you Wiser and Better Every Day

Petition 3.34 | NIV

I must pray for grace to make me wiser and better every day than another.

Lord, give me to grow with God-caused growth; Colossians 2:19(NIV) to grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; 2 Peter 3:18(NIV) to hold to my ways; and, having clean hands, to grow stronger. Job 17:9(NIV)

Let my path be like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18(NIV)

I have not yet obtained, nor have I already been made perfect; Lord, grant that therefore, forgetting what is behind, I may strain toward what is ahead, toward the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14(NIV)

Be like the dew to me that I may blossom like a lily and send down my roots like a cedar of Lebanon; that my shoots may grow and my splendor may be like an olive tree. Hosea 14:5-6(NIV) And let the sun of righteousness rise upon me with healing in its wings, so that I may go out and leap like a calf released from the stall.Malachi 4:2(NIV)

Malachi 4:2(NIV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Universally Conscientious

Petition 3.33 | ESV

That we may be universally conscientious.

O that I may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God. Colossians 4:12(ESV)

Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments. Psalm 119:5-6(ESV)

Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes; and I will keep it to the end. Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain! Psalm 119:33-36(ESV)

Grant me, I pray, according to the riches of your glory, that I may be strengthened with all power through your Spirit in my inner being, so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith; and that being rooted and grounded in love, I may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and may know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, and be filled with a divine fullness, Ephesians 3:16-20(ESV) and may partake of a divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4(ESV)

And let the love of Christ control me to live not for myself, but for him who for my sake died and was raised. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Universally Conscientious

Petition 3.33 | KJV

That I may be universally conscientious.

O that I may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Colossians 4:12(KJV)

O that my ways were directed to keep thy commandments! And then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect to them all. Psalm 119:5-6(KJV)

Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me to go in the path of thy commandments, for therein do I delight. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. Psalm 119:33-36(KJV)

Grant me, I pray thee, according to the riches of thy glory, that I may be strengthened with all might by the Spirit in the inward man: That Christ may dwell in my heart by faith, and that being rooted and grounded in love, I may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and may know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, and be filled with a divine fulness, Ephesians 3:16-20(KJV) and may partake of a divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4(KJV)

And let the love of Christ constrain me to live not to myself, but to him that died for me and rose again. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Universally Conscientious

Petition 3.33 | NASB

That I may be universally conscientious.

O that I may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God. Colossians 4:12(NASB)

Oh that my ways may be established to keep Your commandments! And then I shall not be ashamed when I look upon them all. Psalm 119:5-6(NASB)

Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, and I shall observe it to the end. Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law and keep it with all my heart. Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in them. Incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain. Psalm 119:33-36(NASB)

Grant me, I pray, according to the riches of Your glory, that I may be strengthened with all power through Your Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith; and that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and may know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge and be filled with a divine fullness, Ephesians 3:16-20(NASB) and may partake of a divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4(NASB)

And let the love of Christ control me to live not for myself, but for Him who died and rose again on my behalf. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Universally Conscientious

Petition 3.33 | NIV

That I may be universally conscientious.

O that I may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. Colossians 4:12(NIV)

O that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees! Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands. Psalm 119:5-6(NIV)

Teach me, O LORD, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Psalm 119:33-36(NIV)

I pray that out of your glorious riches you may strengthen me with power through your Spirit in my inner being, so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith; and that I, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that I may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, Ephesians 3:16-20(NIV) and may participate in the divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4(NIV)

And let Christ’s love compel me to no longer live for myself but for him who died for me and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15(NIV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may do your Duty Always and Everywhere

Petition 3.32 | KJV

That I may do the duty of every condition of life, every event of providence, and every relation wherein I stand.

Lord, enable me in a day of prosperity to be joyful, and in a day of adversity to consider, because God hath set the one over against the other; Ecclesiastes 7:14(KJV) to add to my knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience. 2 Peter 1:6(KJV)

Give me grace to abide with thee in the calling wherein I am called, 1 Corinthians 7:24(KJV) and in all my ways to acknowledge thee; Proverbs 3:6(KJV) and be thou pleased to direct my steps. Proverbs 16:9(KJV)

Let those that are called, being servants, be the Lord’s freemen; and those that are called, being free, be Christ’s servants. 1 Corinthians 7:22(KJV)

Let all in every relation dwell together in unity, Psalm 133:1(KJV) that it may be as the dew of Hermon and as the dew that descends upon the mountains of Zion. Psalm 133:3(KJV) O that I may dwell together as a joint-heir of the grace of life with your people, that my prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7(KJV)

Give me grace to honour all men, to love the brotherhood, to fear God, 1 Peter 2:17(KJV) and to be subject to the higher powers, Romans 13:1(KJV) not only for wrath but also for conscience’s sake. Romans 13:5(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may do your Duty Always and Everywhere

Petition 3.32 | NASB

That I may do the duty of every condition of life, every event of providence, and every relation wherein I stand.

Lord, enable me in a day of prosperity to be happy, and in a day of adversity to consider, because God has made the one as well as the other; Ecclesiastes 7:14(NASB) to add to my knowledge self-control, and to self-control perseverance. 2 Peter 1:6(NASB)

Give me grace to remain with You in that condition in which I have been called, 1 Corinthians 7:24(NASB) and in all my ways to acknowledge You; Proverbs 3:6(NASB) and be pleased to direct my steps. Proverbs 16:9(NASB)

Let those who have been called, being slaves, be the Lord’s freemen; and those who have been called, being free, be Christ’s slaves. 1 Corinthians 7:22(NASB)

Let all in every relation dwell together in unity; Psalm 133:1(NASB) that it may be like the dew of Hermon, coming down upon the mountains of Zion. Psalm 133:3(NASB) O that I may live together as a fellow heir of the grace of life with Your people, so that my prayers will not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7(NASB)

Give me grace to honor all people, to love the brotherhood, to fear God, 1 Peter 2:17(NASB) and to be in subjection to the governing authorities, Romans 13:1(NASB) not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. Romans 13:5(NASB)