ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Praise God for His Heavenly Splendor and Glory

Adoration 1.9 | ESV

We must give to God the praise of that splendor and glory wherein he is pleased to manifest himself in the upper world.

You have established your throne in the heavens, Psalm 103:19(ESV) and it is a throne of glory, high and lifted up; and before you the seraphim cover their faces. Isaiah 6:1-2(ESV) And it is in compassion to your people that you hold back the face of that throne and spread a cloud over it. Job 26:9(ESV)

You make your messengers winds, and your ministers a flaming fire. Psalm 104:4(ESV) Thousands of thousands of them minister to you, and myriads of myriads stand before you, to do your pleasure. Revelation 5:11(ESV) They are mighty ones who obey the voice of your word. Psalm 103:20-21(ESV) And I have come by faith and hope and holy love into a spiritual communion with that innumerable company of angels in festal gathering and the spirits of the righteous made perfect, even to the assembly of the firstborn, in the heavenly Jerusalem. Hebrews 12:22-23(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Praise God for His Heavenly Splendor and Glory

Adoration 1.9 | KJV

I must give to God the praise of that splendour and glory wherein he is pleased to manifest himself in the upper world.

Thou hast prepared thy throne in the heavens, Psalm 103:19(KJV) and it is a throne of glory, high and lifted up; and before thee the seraphims cover their faces. Isaiah 6:1-2(KJV) And it is in compassion to your people that thou holdest back the face of that throne, and spreadest a cloud upon it. Job 26:9(KJV)

Thou makest thine angels spirits, and thy ministers a flame of fire. Psalm 104:4(KJV) Thousand thousands of them minister unto thee, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before thee, to do thy pleasure. Revelation 5:11(KJV) They excel in strength and hearken to the voice of thy word. Psalm 103:20-21(KJV) And I am come by faith and hope and holy love into a spiritual communion with that innumerable company of angels and the spirits of just men made perfect, even to the general assembly and church of the first-born, in the heavenly Jerusalem. Hebrews 12:22-23(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Praise God for His Heavenly Splendor and Glory

Adoration 1.9 | NASB

I must give to God the praise of that splendor and glory wherein He is pleased to manifest Himself in the upper world.

You have established Your throne in the heavens, Psalm 103:19(NASB) and it is a throne of glory, lofty and exalted; and before You the seraphim cover their faces. Isaiah 6:1-2(NASB) And it is in compassion to Your people that You obscure the face of that throne and spread Your cloud over it. Job 26:9(KJV)

You make Your angels spirits, and Your ministers flames of fire. Psalm 104:4(NASB) Thousands of thousands of them minister to You, and myriads of myriads stand before You, to do Your pleasure. Revelation 5:11(NASB) They are mighty in strength, and obey the voice of Your word. Psalm 103:20-21(NASB) And I have come by faith and hope and holy love into a spiritual communion with those myriads of angels and the spirits of the righteous made perfect, even to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, in the heavenly Jerusalem. Hebrews 12:22-23(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Praise God for His Heavenly Splendor and Glory

Adoration 1.9 | NIV

I must give to God the praise of that splendor and glory wherein he is pleased to manifest himself in the upper world.

You have established your throne in heaven, Psalm 103:19(NIV) and it is a throne of glory, high and exalted; and before you the seraphs cover their faces. Isaiah 6:1-2(NIV) And it is in compassion to your people that you hold back the face of that throne, spreading your clouds over it. Job 26:9(KJV)

You make your messengers winds, and your servants flames of fire. Psalm 104:4(KJV) Thousands upon thousands of them minister to you, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before you, to do your pleasure. Revelation 5:11(NIV) They are mighty ones who do your bidding, who obey your word. Psalm 103:20-21(NIV) And I have come by faith and hope and holy love into a spiritual communion with thousands upon thousands of angels and the spirits of righteous men made perfect, even to the joyful assembly and the church of the firstborn, to the heavenly Jerusalem. Hebrews 12:22-23(NIV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge God’s Unchanging Truth and Greatness

Adoration 1.8 | ESV

That his truth is invariable, and the treasures of his goodness inexhaustible.

You are good, and your steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:1(ESV)

Your steadfast love is great toward me, Psalm 117:2(ESV) and your faithfulness endures to all generations. Psalm 100:5(ESV)

You have proclaimed your name: The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. Exodus 34:6-7(ESV) And this, your name, is my strong tower. Proverbs 18:10(ESV)

You are good and do good, Psalm 119:68(ESV) good to all; and your mercy is over all that you have made. Psalm 73:1(ESV) But truly God is in a special manner good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Psalm 73:1(ESV)

O that you would make all your goodness pass before me, Exodus 33:19(ESV) that I may taste and see that the Lord is good, Psalm 34:8(ESV) and your steadfast love may be always before my eyes. Psalm 26:3(ESV)

Lastly, that when we have said all we can of the glorious perfections of the Divine nature, we fall infinitely short of the merit of the subject.

Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do I hear of God! But the thunder of his power who can understand? Job 26:14(ESV)

The Almighty – I cannot find him; he is great in power, in justice and abundant righteousness; Job 37:23(ESV) he is exalted far above all blessing and praise. Nehemiah 9:5(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge God’s Unchanging Truth and Greatness

Adoration 1.8 | KJV

That his truth is invariable, and the treasures of his goodness inexhaustible.

Thou art good, and thy mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1(KJV)

Thy loving-kindness is great toward me, Psalm 117:2(KJV) and thy truth endureth to all generations. Psalm 100:5(KJV)

Thou hast proclaimed thy name: The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Exodus 34:6-7(KJV) And this name of thine is my strong tower. Proverbs 18:10(KJV)

Thou art good and doest good, Psalm 119:68(KJV) good to all; and thy tender mercy is over all thy works. Psalm 145:9(KJV) But truly God is in a special manner good to Israel, even to them that are of a clean heart. Psalm 73:1(KJV)

O that thou wouldest cause thy goodness to pass before me, Exodus 33:19(KJV) that I may taste and see that the Lord is good, Psalm 34:8(KJV) and his loving-kindness may be always before my eyes. Psalm 26:3(KJV)

Lastly, that when I have said all I can of the glorious perfections of the Divine nature, I fall infinitely short of the merit of the subject.

Lo, these are but parts of his ways, and how little a portion is heard of God! But the thunder of his power who can understand? Job 26:14(KJV)

Touching the Almighty, I cannot find him out; he is excellent in power and in judgment, and in plenty of justice; Job 37:23(KJV) he is exalted far above all blessing and praise. Nehemiah 9:5(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Acknowledge God’s Unchanging Truth and Greatness

Adoration 1.8 | NASB

That His truth is invariable, and the treasures of His goodness inexhaustible.

You are good, and Your loving-kindness is everlasting. Psalm 136:1(NASB)

Your loving-kindness is great towards me, Psalm 117:2(NASB) and Your faithfulness is to all generations. Psalm 100:5(NASB)

You have proclaimed Your name: The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness and truth, keeping loving-kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Exodus 34:6-7(NASB) And this name of Yours is my strong tower. Proverbs 18:10(NASB)

You are good and do good, Psalm 119:68(NASB) good to all; and Your mercies are over all Your works. Psalm 145:9(NASB) But surely God is in a special manner good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Psalm 73:1(NASB)

O that You would make Your goodness pass before me, Exodus 33:19(NASB) that I may taste and see that the Lord is good, Psalm 34:8(NASB) and his loving-kindness may be always before my eyes. Psalm 26:3(NASB)

Lastly, that when I have said all I can of the glorious perfections of the Divine nature, I fall infinitely short of the merit of the subject.

Behold, these are but the fringes of His ways; and how faint a word I hear of God! But His mighty thunder, who can understand? Job 26:14(NASB)

Touching the Almighty – I cannot find Him; He is exalted in power, and He will not do violence to justice and abundant righteousness. Job 37:23(NASB) He is exalted far above all blessing and praise! Nehemiah 9:5(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Acknowledge God’s Unchanging Truth and Greatness

Adoration 1.8 | NIV

That his truth is invariable, and the treasures of his goodness inexhaustible.

You are good, and your love endures forever. Psalm 136:1(NIV)

Your love is great toward me, Psalm 117:2(NIV) and your faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5(NIV)

You have proclaimed your name: The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin. Exodus 34:6-7(NIV) And this name of yours is my strong tower. Proverbs 18:10(NIV)

You are good, and what you do is good, Psalm 119:68(NIV) good to all; and you have compassion on all you have made. Psalm 145:9(NIV) But surely God is in a special manner good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Psalm 73:1(NIV)

O that you would cause your goodness to pass in front of me, Exodus 33:19(NIV) that I may taste and see that the LORD is good, Psalm 34:8(NIV) and your love may be ever before me. Psalm 26:3(NIV)

Lastly, that when I have said all I can of the glorious perfections of the Divine nature, I fall infinitely short of the merit of the subject.

And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper I hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power? Job 26:14(NIV)

The Almighty is beyond my reach and exalted in power; and in his justice and great righteousness, Job 37:23(NIV) he is exalted above all blessing and praise. Nehemiah 9:5(NIV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge God’s Purity and Justice

Adoration 1.7 | ESV

That he is a God of unspotted purity and perfect rectitude.

You are holy, O you who are enthroned on the praises of Israel: Psalm 22:3(ESV) Holy and awesome is your name, Psalm 111:9(ESV) and I give thanks to your holy name. Psalm 30:4(ESV)

You are of purer eyes than to see evil; Habakkuk 1:13(ESV) neither may evil dwell with you. Psalm 5:4(ESV)

You are the Rock, your work is perfect, all your ways are truth and justice; a God of faithfulness and without iniquity. Deuteronomy 32:4(ESV) You are my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in you. Psalm 92:15(ESV)

You are kind in all your works, Psalm 145:17(ESV) and holiness befits your house, O LORD, forevermore. Psalm 93:5(ESV)

That he is just in the administration of his government, and never did, nor ever will do, wrong to any of his creatures.

Righteous are you, O God, when I complain to you, Jeremiah 12:1(ESV) and you will be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. Psalm 51:4(ESV)

Far be it from God that he should do wickedness, and from the Almighty that he should do wrong; for according to the work of a man he will repay him. Job 34:10-11(ESV)

Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, even when your judgments are like the great deep! Psalm 36:6(ESV) And though clouds and thick darkness are all around you, yet righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Psalm 97:2(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge God’s Purity and Justice

Adoration 1.7 | KJV

That he is a God of unspotted purity and perfect rectitude.

Thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel: Psalm 22:3(KJV) Holy and reverend is thy name; Psalm 111:9(KJV) and I give thanks at the remembrance of thy holiness. Psalm 30:4(KJV)

Thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity; Habakkuk 1:3(KJV) neither shall evil dwell with thee. Psalm 5:4(KJV)

Thou art the Rock, thy work is perfect, all thy ways are truth and judgment; a God of truth, and in whom is no iniquity. Deuteronomy 32:4(KJV) Thou art my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in thee. Psalm 92:15(KJV)

Thou art holy in all thy works, Psalm 145:17(KJV) and holiness becomes thy house, O Lord, for ever. Psalm 93:5(KJV)

That he is just in the administration of his government, and never did, nor ever will do, wrong to any of his creatures.

Righteous art thou, O God, when I plead with thee, Jeremiah 12:1(KJV) and wilt be justified when thou speakest and clear when thou judgest. Psalm 51:4(KJV)

Far be it from God that he should do wickedness, and from the Almighty that he should commit iniquity; for the work of a man shall he render unto him. Job 34:10-11(KJV)

Thy righteousness is as the great mountains, even then when thy judgments are a great deep! Psalm 36:6(KJV) And though clouds and darkness are round about thee, yet judgment and justice are the habitation of thy throne. Psalm 97:2(KJV)