Petition 3.4 | NIV
The promises God has made in his word to pardon and absolve all those who truly repent and unfeignedly believe his holy gospel.
Lord, is not this the word which you have spoken: that if the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts, and turn to the LORD, you will have mercy on him, and to my God, for you will freely pardon, Isaiah 55:7(NIV) will pardon abundantly?
The Lord my God is merciful and forgiving, even though I have rebelled against him. Daniel 9:9(NIV)
Is not this the covenant which you have made with the house of Israel: that you will take away their sins; Romans 11:27(NIV) that you will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more; Jeremiah 31:34(NIV) that search will be made for Israel’s guilt, but there will be none, and for the sins of Judah, but none will be found? Jeremiah 50:20(NIV)
Have you not said that if the wicked man turns from all of the sins he has committed and follows your decrees, he will live; he will not die; none of his sins will be remembered against him? Ezekiel 33:15-16(NIV)
Have you not appointed that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in Christ’s name to all nations? Luke 24:47(NIV)
Did you not promise that when the sins of Israel were put upon the head of the scapegoat, they should be sent away into the desert to a solitary place? Leviticus 16:22(NIV) And as far as the east is from the west, so far have you removed my transgressions from me. Psalm 103:12(NIV)
O remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. Psalm 119:49(NIV)