Confession 2.7 | NIV
I must likewise bewail my many actual transgressions, in thought, word, and deed.
I have sinned, Father, against heaven and against you: Luke 15:18(NIV) All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23(NIV) for the God who holds in his hand my life and all my ways, I have not honored. Daniel 5:23(NIV)
Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; Psalm 51:4(NIV) I have not obeyed the LORD my God or kept the laws he gave me, Daniel 9:10(NIV) though they are holy, righteous, and good. Romans 7:12(NIV)
Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Psalm 19:12(NIV)
I stumble in many ways, James 3:2(NIV) and my sins are more than the hairs of my head. Psalm 40:12(NIV)
As a well pours out its water, so does my heart pour out wickedness; Jeremiah 6:7(NIV) and this has been my way from my youth up: I have not obeyed you. Jeremiah 22:21(NIV)
Out of the evil stored up in me, I have brought forth many evil things. Matthew 12:35(NIV)
I must confess and bewail the workings of pride in me.
I have every reason to be humbled for the pride of my heart; 2 Chronicles 32:26(NIV) for I have thought of myself more highly than I ought, and have not thought of myself with sober judgment, Romans 12:3(NIV) nor have I walked humbly with my God. Micah 6:8(NIV)
I have leaned on my own understanding, Proverbs 3:5(NIV) and trusted in myself, Proverbs 28:26(NIV) and have sacrificed to my own net. Habakkuk 1:16(NIV)
I have sought my own honor more than the honor of him who sent me, John 7:18(NIV) and have been proud of that for which I should have been filled with grief. 1 Corinthians 5:2(NIV)