Confession 2.16 | KJV
The more mercies I have received from God, the greater has been my sin.
Thou hast nourished and brought me up as a child, but I have rebelled against thee. Isaiah 1:2(KJV)
I have ill requited thee, O Lord, as a foolish person and unwise: Thou art my Father that made me and bought me and established me, yet my spot has not been the spot of one of thy children. Deuteronomy 32:5-6(KJV)
I have not rendered again according to the benefit done unto me. 2 Chronicles 32:25(KJV)
The fairer warning I have had from the word of God and from my own conscience concerning my danger of sin and danger by sin, the greater is the sin if I go on in it.
I have been often reproved, and yet have hardened my neck, Proverbs 29:1(KJV) and have gone on frowardly in the way of my heart. Isaiah 57:17(KJV)
Thou hast sent to me, saying, O do not this abominable thing which I hate; but I have not hearkened nor inclined my ear. Jeremiah 44:4-5(KJV)
The word of God hath been to me precept upon precept and line upon line; Isaiah 28:13(KJV) and though I have beheld my natural face in the glass, yet I have gone away and straightway forgot what manner of man I am. James 1:23-24(KJV)