Confession 2.12 | KJV
I must acknowledge the great evil that there is in sin, and in my sin; the malignity of its nature, and its mischievousness to me.
The sinfulness of sin.
O that sin may appear sin to me, may appear in its own colours; and that by the commandment I may see it to be exceeding sinful, Romans 7:13(KJV) because it is the transgression of the law. 1 John 3:4(KJV)
By every willful sin I have in effect said, I will not have this man to reign over me. Luke 19:14(KJV) And, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice? Exodus 5:2(KJV) And thus have I reproached the Lord, Numbers 15:30(KJV) and cast his laws behind my back. Nehemiah 9:26(KJV)
The foolishness of sin.
O God, thou knowest my foolishness, and my sins are not hid from thee. Psalm 69:5(KJV) I was foolish in being disobedient, Titus 3:3(KJV) and my lusts are foolish and hurtful. 1 Timothy 6:9(KJV)
Foolishness was bound up in my heart when I was a child; Proverbs 22:15(KJV) for though vain man would be wise, he is born like the wild ass’s colt. Job 11:12(KJV)
My way hath been my folly, Psalm 49:13(KJV) and in many instances I have done foolishly. 2 Samuel 24:10(KJV)
So foolish have I been and ignorant, and even as a beast before God. Psalm 73:22(KJV)